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Scene Transitions

Many times in your game you'll want to smoothly go from one scene to the next, or provide a custom effect when transitioning!

Using Pre-Defined Scene Transitions

It is generally recommended that you define you scenes up front, when you do you have the opportunity to also specify the in/out transitions for a scene.

  • in transitions play when the target scene has started, and will play the effect until the duration in milliseconds is complete
  • out transitions play before the current scene is deactivated, the transition must complete before deactivation.

If no in/out transition is specified for a scene it will hard cut from one to the other.

const game = new ex.Engine({
scenes: {
scene1: {
scene: MyScene,
transitions: {
in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black}),
out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black})
scene2: {
scene: MyOtherScene,
transitions: {
in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black}),
out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black})
const game = new ex.Engine({
scenes: {
scene1: {
scene: MyScene,
transitions: {
in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black}),
out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black})
scene2: {
scene: MyOtherScene,
transitions: {
in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black}),
out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black})

or using the add scene api

const game = new ex.Engine();
game.add('scene1', {
scene: MyScene,
transitions: {
in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black}),
out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black})
const game = new ex.Engine();
game.add('scene1', {
scene: MyScene,
transitions: {
in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black}),
out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black})

Click canvas to transition!

Transition Options

Transitions have a few tricks up their sleeves, you can control duration, direction, easing function, whether to hide any loaders, or block user input during the transition

const transition = new ex.Transition({
* Transition duration in milliseconds
duration: 1000,
* Optionally hides the loader during the transition
* If either the out or in transition have this set to true, then the loader will be hidden.
* Default false
hideLoader: false,
* Optionally blocks user input during a transition
* Default false
blockInput: false,
* Optionally specify a easing function, by default linear
easing: ex.EasingFunctions.Linear,
* Optionally specify a transition direction, by default 'out'
* * For 'in' direction transitions start at 1 and complete is at 0
* * For 'out' direction transitions start at 0 and complete is at 1
direction: 'out',
const transition = new ex.Transition({
* Transition duration in milliseconds
duration: 1000,
* Optionally hides the loader during the transition
* If either the out or in transition have this set to true, then the loader will be hidden.
* Default false
hideLoader: false,
* Optionally blocks user input during a transition
* Default false
blockInput: false,
* Optionally specify a easing function, by default linear
easing: ex.EasingFunctions.Linear,
* Optionally specify a transition direction, by default 'out'
* * For 'in' direction transitions start at 1 and complete is at 0
* * For 'out' direction transitions start at 0 and complete is at 1
direction: 'out',

Overriding Transitions

There are 2 ways to override pre-defined transitions

  • goToScene('myscene', { destinationIn: ..., sourceOut: ... }) takes the highest precedence and will override any transition
  • Extending Scene.onTransition you can provide dynamic transitions depending on your scene's state
class MyCustomScene extends ex.Scene {
onTransition(direction: "in" | "out") {
return new ex.FadeInOut({
color: ex.Color.Violet,
duration: 2000
class MyCustomScene extends ex.Scene {
onTransition(direction: "in" | "out") {
return new ex.FadeInOut({
color: ex.Color.Violet,
duration: 2000


This transition does exactly as it sounds, you can specific a duration in milliseconds and it will fade in the specified direction. FadeInOut uses the color Color.Black by default.

  • The direction: 'in' direction means the transition will start fully opaque (non-transparent), then transition to fully transparent.
  • The direction: 'out' direction means the transition will start fully transparent, then transition to fully opaque (non-transparent).



CrossFade can only be used on the `in`` transition for a scene, this is because it needs to screenshot the previous scene in order to cross fade it.

You can specific a duration in milliseconds and it will fade in the specified direction. CrossFade takes a screen shot of the previous scene and blends that into the current scene.

  • The direction: 'in' direction means the transition will start fully opaque (non-transparent), then transition to fully transparent.
  • The direction: 'out' direction means the transition will start fully transparent, then transition to fully opaque (non-transparent).

Click canvas to transition!

Starting Scene Transition

Sometimes you want a special start transition for the beginning of your game after loading. You may want to match the color, do something special, etc.

This can be done on the Engine.start by providing a start transition

inTransition: startTransition
inTransition: startTransition

Custom built Transitions

Transitions are really an Entity with a TransformComponent and GraphicsComponent that take up the entire screen and draw on top of everything by default z = Infinity.

To build your own custom transition, extend Transition and implement the stubbed methods

For example this is CrossFade's implementation

export class CrossFade extends Transition {
engine: Engine;
image: HTMLImageElement;
screenCover: Sprite;
constructor(options: TransitionOptions & CrossFadeOptions) {
super(options); = `CrossFade#${}`;
override async onPreviousSceneDeactivate(scene: Scene<unknown>) {
this.image = await scene.engine.screenshot(true);
override onInitialize(engine: Engine): void {
this.engine = engine;
const bounds = engine.screen.getWorldBounds();
this.transform.pos = vec(bounds.left,;
this.screenCover = ImageSource.fromHtmlImageElement(this.image).toSprite();;
this.transform.scale = vec(1 / engine.screen.pixelRatio, 1 / engine.screen.pixelRatio); = this.progress;
override onStart(_progress: number): void { = this.progress;
override onReset() { = this.progress;
override onEnd(progress: number): void { = progress;
override onUpdate(progress: number): void { = progress;
export class CrossFade extends Transition {
engine: Engine;
image: HTMLImageElement;
screenCover: Sprite;
constructor(options: TransitionOptions & CrossFadeOptions) {
super(options); = `CrossFade#${}`;
override async onPreviousSceneDeactivate(scene: Scene<unknown>) {
this.image = await scene.engine.screenshot(true);
override onInitialize(engine: Engine): void {
this.engine = engine;
const bounds = engine.screen.getWorldBounds();
this.transform.pos = vec(bounds.left,;
this.screenCover = ImageSource.fromHtmlImageElement(this.image).toSprite();;
this.transform.scale = vec(1 / engine.screen.pixelRatio, 1 / engine.screen.pixelRatio); = this.progress;
override onStart(_progress: number): void { = this.progress;
override onReset() { = this.progress;
override onEnd(progress: number): void { = progress;
override onUpdate(progress: number): void { = progress;