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color?: Color

Add custom color, by default ex.Color.Transparent


fragmentSource: string

Add custom fragment shader

*Note: Excalibur image alpha's are pre-multiplied

Pre-built varyings:

  • in vec2 v_uv - UV coordinate
  • in vec2 v_screenuv - UV coordinate

Pre-built uniforms:

  • uniform sampler2D u_graphic - The current graphic displayed by the GraphicsComponent
  • uniform vec2 u_resolution - The current resolution of the screen
  • uniform vec2 u_size; - The current size of the graphic
  • uniform vec4 u_color - The current color of the material
  • uniform float u_opacity - The current opacity of the graphics context


graphicsContext?: ExcaliburGraphicsContext

Excalibur graphics context to create the material (only WebGL is supported at the moment)


images?: Record<string, ImageSource>

Add additional images to the material, you are limited by the GPU's maximum texture slots

Specify a dictionary of uniform sampler names to ImageSource


name?: string

Name the material for debugging


vertexSource?: string

Optionally specify a vertex shader

If none supplied the default will be used

 #version 300 es
 // vertex position in local space
 in vec2 a_position;
 in vec2 a_uv;
 out vec2 v_uv;
 // orthographic projection matrix
 uniform mat4 u_matrix;
 // world space transform matrix
 uniform mat4 u_transform;
 void main() {
   // Set the vertex position using the ortho & transform matrix
   gl_Position = u_matrix * u_transform * vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0);
   // Pass through the UV coord to the fragment shader
   v_uv = a_uv;