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Five Years of Excalibur

· 2 min read
Erik Onarheim
Maintainer of Excalibur

Five years in review

The first commit to Excalibur.js was published on January 5th, 2013. Since then, we’ve been working to build a game engine that’s easy to develop with and fun to use. Along the way, we put together a release pipeline, constructed a test suite, wrote a lot of documentation, and created a number of extensions and samples. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the numbers:

  • 103068 npm downloads
  • 1275 commits to core repository
  • 447 closed issues
  • 35 contributors
  • 17 releases

Future plans

There are some pretty big improvements coming up, and we’re looking forward to sharing those changes with you over the next year. We’re also working on a larger collection of samples and games to help new developers and showcase Excalibur’s capabilities. For a more detailed look, check out the roadmap.

Thank you

We want to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has written code, opened an issue, posted in our forum, or made a game and let us know about it. This is a very fulfilling project, and seeing others contribute to and use Excalibur means a lot to us. Thanks for your support!

-The Excalibur.js team