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Constructor Arguments

In Excalibur there are option bag constructors available on most types. These support any public property or member, methods are not supported. The API documentation does not provide an exhaustive list of possible properties but a list of commonly used properties.

For example instead of doing this:

const actor = new ex.Actor(1, 2, 100, 100, ex.Color.Red);
actor.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
const actor = new ex.Actor(1, 2, 100, 100, ex.Color.Red);
actor.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;

This is possible:

const options: ActorArgs = {
pos: new ex.Vector(1,2);
width: 100,
height: 100,
color: ex.Color.Red,
const actor = new ex.Actor(options);
actor.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
const options: ActorArgs = {
pos: new ex.Vector(1,2);
width: 100,
height: 100,
color: ex.Color.Red,
const actor = new ex.Actor(options);
actor.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;

In fact you can create a duplicate this way

const actor = new ex.Actor({
pos: new ex.Vector(1, 2)
const actorClone = new ex.Actor(actor);
expect(actor.pos).toBe(actorClone.pos); // true;
const actor = new ex.Actor({
pos: new ex.Vector(1, 2)
const actorClone = new ex.Actor(actor);
expect(actor.pos).toBe(actorClone.pos); // true;

Types that support option bags can have their properties mass assigned using the assign method.

const actor = new ex.Actor(options);
pos: new ex.Vector(100, 100),
width: 1000,
color: ex.Color.Red
const actor = new ex.Actor(options);
pos: new ex.Vector(100, 100),
width: 1000,
color: ex.Color.Red


Timers in Excalibur hook into the main loop so they should be used instead of setTimeout as they will start and stop accordingly with the loop.


Timers must be added to the game so they are updated!

const game = new ex.Engine();
const timer = new ex.Timer(() => {
// do something every 1000ms
}, 1000);
// Add the timer to the current scene
// start the game and the timer
game.start().then(() => {
// start the timer
// reset the timer
// stop the timer
const game = new ex.Engine();
const timer = new ex.Timer(() => {
// do something every 1000ms
}, 1000);
// Add the timer to the current scene
// start the game and the timer
game.start().then(() => {
// start the timer
// reset the timer
// stop the timer


Triggers are a special kind of Actor that allow you to run logic when another actor collides with its bounding box. Think of how traps work in an RPG: they are invisible but let you do custom logic whenever your character steps on one. This is one case where you can use triggers instead of trying to implement a special actor yourself.

Infinite vs. run once

Triggers run infinitely by default whenever an actor collides with them. To run a trigger once, you can pass [[Trigger.repeat|repeat: 1]].

Creating a trigger

// Start the engine
var game = new ex.Engine({
width: 800,
height: 600,
displayMode: ex.DisplayMode.FullScreen
// Uncomment next line to make the trigger box visible
// game.showDebug(true);
// create a handler
function onTrigger() {
// `this` will be the Trigger instance
ex.Logger.getInstance().info('Trigger was triggered!', this);
// set a trigger at (100, 100) that is 40x40px that can only be fired once
var trigger = new ex.Trigger({
width: 40,
height: 40,
pos: new ex.Vector(100, 100),
repeat: 1,
target: actor,
action: onTrigger
// create an actor above the trigger
var actor = new ex.Actor(100, 0, 40, 40, ex.Color.Red);
// Enable collision on actor (else trigger won't fire)
actor.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
// tell the actor to move across the trigger with a velocity of 100
actor.actions.moveTo(100, 200, 100);
// Add trigger and actor to our scene and start the scene
// Start the engine
var game = new ex.Engine({
width: 800,
height: 600,
displayMode: ex.DisplayMode.FullScreen
// Uncomment next line to make the trigger box visible
// game.showDebug(true);
// create a handler
function onTrigger() {
// `this` will be the Trigger instance
ex.Logger.getInstance().info('Trigger was triggered!', this);
// set a trigger at (100, 100) that is 40x40px that can only be fired once
var trigger = new ex.Trigger({
width: 40,
height: 40,
pos: new ex.Vector(100, 100),
repeat: 1,
target: actor,
action: onTrigger
// create an actor above the trigger
var actor = new ex.Actor(100, 0, 40, 40, ex.Color.Red);
// Enable collision on actor (else trigger won't fire)
actor.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
// tell the actor to move across the trigger with a velocity of 100
actor.actions.moveTo(100, 200, 100);
// Add trigger and actor to our scene and start the scene


Rather than using console.log you can use Excalibur's native logging provider which can be controlled with engine options and eventually will support different output mechanisms.

Example: Logging

// set default log level (default: Info)
ex.Logger.getInstance().defaultLevel = ex.LogLevel.Warn;
// this will not be shown because it is below Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().info('This will be logged as Info');
// this will show because it is Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().warn('This will be logged as Warn');
// this will show because it is above Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().error('This will be logged as Error');
// this will show because it is above Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().fatal('This will be logged as Fatal');
// set default log level (default: Info)
ex.Logger.getInstance().defaultLevel = ex.LogLevel.Warn;
// this will not be shown because it is below Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().info('This will be logged as Info');
// this will show because it is Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().warn('This will be logged as Warn');
// this will show because it is above Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().error('This will be logged as Error');
// this will show because it is above Warn
ex.Logger.getInstance().fatal('This will be logged as Fatal');

Async Promises

Promises can be chained together and can be useful for creating a queue of functions to be called when something is done. The first Promise you will encounter is probably Engine.start which resolves when the game has finished loading.

const game = new ex.Engine();
// perform start-up logic once game is ready
game.start().then(function () {
// start-up & initialization logic
const game = new ex.Engine();
// perform start-up logic once game is ready
game.start().then(function () {
// start-up & initialization logic

Differences from Native Promises

We are working on rewriting Excalibur to use native ES2015 Promises but until then, you may notice inconsistencies. You should still be able to use async / await.

Handling errors

You can optionally pass an error handler to Promise.then which will handle any errors that occur during Promise execution.

const game = new ex.Engine();
// success handler
function () {},
// error handler
function (err) {}
const game = new ex.Engine();
// success handler
function () {},
// error handler
function (err) {}

Any errors that go unhandled will be bubbled up to the browser.