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Step 11 - Images and Graphics

It would be nice to have some graphics for our Bird actor, we can load images to use in in actors using the ex.ImageSource and a ex.Loader. The loader will show a loading bar while our images and other resources are loading. Generally we do this in a new resources.ts file.

  1. We export the Resources as const so you get strong typing for each key of the dictionary, as const tells typescript that the keys wont change at runtime
  2. Another useful convention that we use is defining the loader next to the Resources and exporting to be used in main.ts
  3. Note: in vite to serve static files we use the public folder
// resources.ts
export const Resources = {
// Relative to /public in vite
BirdImage: new ex.ImageSource('./images/bird.png')
} as const;
// resources.ts
export const Resources = {
// Relative to /public in vite
BirdImage: new ex.ImageSource('./images/bird.png')
} as const;

Now we can load this before starting the game

// main.ts
const loader = new ex.Loader(Object.values(Resources));
game.start(loader).then(() => {
// main.ts
const loader = new ex.Loader(Object.values(Resources));
game.start(loader).then(() => {